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New Music Release: "Mud & Rain" from Artist Chris Olson

Chris Olson

Based on a period of my life when my dad (rip) had suffered a stroke and was being treated, first in Swindon hospital and then the Chippenham stroke recovery unit. The impact of his health on our family was massive and at the time it was a very surreal experience to watch this former pillar of my own identity succumb to a variety of awful and painful health issues, such as cancer, a stroke, and hydrocephalus.

"Mud & Rain" artwork - stream now on all major platforms. Song by Chris Olson, music artist.
"Mud & Rain" artwork - stream now on all major platforms

The song, and indeed the artwork, explore the effect this had more on my mum (legend) than my dad. Anyone who is lucky enough to know my mother will probably say she has always been a bubbly and friendly person. When dad was in this dark stage of his life, my mum struggled to find the light.

There is a swear word in the song which feels out of place but is so vital to one of my memories of this time. My mum and me were driving in her car for well over an hour north of Wiltshire to pick up a vanity screen she had purchased on eBay. Another thing people will tell you about my mum is she loves a bargain but never factors in travel costs! This drive was one of the first times in a long time we had been able to speak for a long period about my dad without him being there. At one stage in the journey, I remember her swearing, a lot, about everything going wrong at that point in time. We were in a wooded area, it was raining and - yes - it was muddy. This latched itself onto a song I already had the chords and melody for but needed the words.

Since then, Mud & Rain has been a song I have played privately for many years until I felt comfortable enough with everything to release it. I asked for my mum's permission and wanted her to hear it first - she liked it (I think). I released the song on all platforms February 1st 2024 through SoundOn and continue to promote it on my social media - particularly TikTok.

I wanted the song and story to resonate with people and families going through these tough medical times and to know it's not unusual if your loved ones come out of it quite different. Sadly we lost my dad in April 2017. He died in Swindon Hospital following a chest infection he no longer had strength to fight, the only person in the room at the time with him when he finally left this mortal coil? My mum.


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